I attended my first martial arts class when I was 11. Right after the very first class, I was hooked and martial arts became a part of my life.
My first martial arts styles were Wushu and Kung Fu (a type of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts). Then throughout the years, I trained in various combative disciplines such as Sanda, Muay Thai, BJJ, and Judo.
Now at this stage, I chose to focus on my favorite – Kung Fu (KF).
Many people felt KF has lost its value in today’s world. I disagree with that. Actually, I felt the opposite, KF has more value in modern times than ever.
I have met many people from various walks of life who have benefited from KF tremendously.
- I met a sick person with cancer whose life was saved by practicing Tai Chi;
- I met a kid who is often regarded as the ‘troublemaker’ in school learned discipline and became a good student after practicing KF;
- I met a lady who prevented robbery by her quick reflexes developed in KF classes;
- I met an elderly who is desperate to go to classes every morning to meet with her social buddies; and so on……
I cannot represent others since everyone has different reasons for practicing KF, but below are the four main reasons why I am loyal to KF.
1) Health
Back when I was a kid, doctors told my parents that I have serious allergic rhinitis. Every winter was the worst time. My eyes and nose were constantly so itchy that I keep scratching till my eyes were red and swollen. My nose was always runny that I could not count the number of tissues I use per day.
This lasted for years until I was age 11. I was lucky enough that my parents brought me to my first martial arts class. Six months later all allergic reactions were gone. I was free!
Of course, I understand the health benefits I got from KF is nothing compared to many people.
Last year I went to a Tai Chi seminar. I met an old lady who shares her amazing story. When she was in her 60s, she could barely walk because of arthritis. That’s when she decided to start doing Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Now in her 80s, she does not only walk freely, but she can jump with both feet off the ground and even do splits!
KF can help people improve their health, regardless of age. Younger people can do more intense KF styles such as Shaolin, Wrestling, or Sanda (Chinese Kickboxing). The Elderly can do softer KF such as Tai Chi/Qi Gong.
Below are the common health benefits:
- Improving circulation of the Qi and Blood;
- Increasing Mobility and Flexibility;
- Developing Strength and Power;
- Improving Balance and Coordination;
- Increasing Stamina;
- Reducing Stress etc.
2) Self-Defence
KF was invented either for self-defense or for killing. In the past, KF was used in the army for killing enemies on the battlefield.
However lately, many people have been conservative about the practicality of KF. In today’s world does KF lack the ability to fight?
I can tell you that if trained properly, KF can be deadly. Since this is a very huge topic, I will express my point of view of ‘how can KF be practical’ in another future article.
3) Spiritual Training
KF is not only physical but mental and spiritual. Besides the workout itself, KF incorporates lots of Qi Gong (Meaning ways to cultivate your life-force) and Meditation practices.
KF is often being connected to Taoist and Buddist philosophy. Understanding these philosophies often result in increased awareness, and develop a peaceful mind so we can live in harmony with people and nature.
I remember one day I was standing in a meditative stance. I was thinking about what is the reason to practice KF. Is KF the best self-defense martial arts? Suddenly it snowed. Snowflakes fall on my entire body. I looked up the sky and realized how beautiful it is. At that moment, I felt peace deep inside. I stopped thinking about ‘what is the purpose’, and just be ‘present’.
4) Cultural Value
This is very unique in KF. Every gesture, every movement has cultural value.
One time I asked a parent of my kids’ class, ‘what is the reason you brought your son to the class? Is it for health or self-defense?’. The dad answered, ‘Yes I would like my son to be healthy and be able to protect himself. But what is most important is discipline, especially learning how to respect others.’
The bowing traditions do not only show respect to other people, but it also shows the history and tradition that has been passed down since ancient China.
Every movement in KF has a name. And in a lot of cases, the names are poetic and beautiful. Yes, the names might not necessarily help with actual combat, but it does show the cultural value that is embedded inside KF.
In the future, I will write in detail about the history and culture of different KF styles.
In conclusion, everyone has a reason to do martial arts. And I think no matter what style we do, we should all respect one another.
One of my main goals is to preserve the culture, traditions, and the art. I wish that Chinese Martial Arts can flourish one day and become one of the most valued martial art styles.
If you practice martial arts, please leave in the comment below, what style do you do? Why you started, and why you picked that particular style?