Pestilent Qi is the worst among all pathogenic factors. Pestilent Qi refers to pathogens with very strong infectivity.
It is different from the Six Climatic Factors that it is much more infectious and virulent. It usually invades the body via the mouth and nose.
Examples of Pestilent Qi in Western Medicine terms such as Ebola, Dysentery, Diphtheria, Smallpox etc.
Characteristics of Pestilent Qi
Pestilent Qi has four main characteristics.
1. Sudden Onset
2. Severe Condition of Illness
3. Similar Manifestations
4. Strong Infectiousness
What Causes Pestilent Qi?
1. Climatic Factors
Pestilent Qi usually occurs during an unusual climate, such as lasting drought, extremely hot weather, flooding, etc.
2. Environmental Factors
The food, water, and living environment can be polluted by the Pestilent Qi.
3. Delayed Prevention and Isolation
Time is life. A failure in timely effective isolation when pestilent qi occurs may lead to the spread of pestilent diseases.
4. Social Factors
Social factors may influence the prevalence of the Pestilent diseases. For example, wars, health care and education of the nation can affect the outbreak situation of Pestilent Qi.
I hope we will never have to deal with Pestilent Qi. However, we should always prepare for the worst. No time should be wasted for us to attain optimal health. The stronger your Qi is, the more likely you will survive should pestilent qi really occurs. (Touchwood!)
Up next, I will be discussing how emotions can affect your body. See you in the next article!