Alex Hui is a Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Registered Acupuncturist, R.Ac) in Canada. Since this is a rare profession even in the Chinese community, he often gets asked why he chose this career path.

Alex’s interest was sparked back in middle school when he injured his knees during martial arts training. One day he heard a ‘crack’ in his knee. Despite not being painful, his knee felt stuck and restricted. Alex couldn’t move his knee freely and have to walk with a cane for the next 2 weeks. He was so scared that he would not be able to practice martial arts anymore.
After seeing a couple doctors, his knee didn’t see any improvements. Alex’s mom decided to try Chinese Medicine by bringing him to an acupuncturist. In the waiting room, Alex told his mom that “if this guy could cure my knees, I am going to study acupuncture when I grow up!” As you might have guessed, acupuncture fixed his knee!
But of course, as a kid, he quickly forgot about the knee incident and continued moving through the school system, just like other students his age. In 2008, Alex moved to Canada from Hong Kong to attend the University of British Columbia (UBC).
During his time at UBC, he met Dr. Wilson Wu who quickly became his teacher. He introduced Alex to the world of Chinese Medicine. Alex was fascinated by this art where his interest to pursue Chinese Medicine as a career ignited!
After graduating from University and having worked in the corporate world for a few years, Alex decided to do what he really loved. He decided to obtain an Acupuncturist License and went back to school full-time.
He never regretted this choice! Since graduating from Chinese Medicine School Alex is living his dream as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner!
To Alex, Chinese Medicine is not just a job. It is a way to help people, it is a way of life, it is Tao.
Martial Arts
Alex is avid about all aspects of Chinese Martial Arts! At the age of 12, he started learning Kung Fu in Hong Kong. Till this day, he is continuing his journey as a martial arts student as well as an instructor. Alex competed in many international tournaments, both representing himself as well as the Hong Kong and Canadian Team. Below are his tournament highlights.But of course, as a kid, he quickly forgot about the knee incident and continued moving through the school system, just like other students his age. In 2008, Alex moved to Canada from Hong Kong to attend the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Competition Awards
- The Second World Traditional Wushu Championships – Men Spear Form – Gold Medal
- Hong Kong Top 10 Young Kung Fu Athlete Award
- The 3rd International Hunyuan Taichi Conference Championships – Men Taichi Form – Gold Medal
- 2013 Tiger Balm Internationals – Leitai Sparring (135lbs) – Gold Medal
- The 13th World Chin Woo Martial Arts & Culture Assembly – Men Fist Form – Gold Medal
- The 4th International Hunyuan Taichi Conference Championships – Men Taichi Form – Gold Medal
- The 4th International Hunyuan Taichi Conference Championships – Men Tuishou (60kg) – Silver Medal